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Cryptography and Network Security (CS60065)

Autumn semester 2019-20



Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

Contact: (debdeep [AT]

Mainack Mondal

Contact: (mainack [AT]

Course Timings

Wednesday 12:00 - 12:55

Thursday 11:00 - 11:55

Friday 09:00 - 10:55

Class venue: CSE 107

Teaching Assistants

  1. Manaar Alam (alam [DOT]   manaar [AT] gmail.   com)
  2. Arnab Bag (amiarnabbolchi [AT]   gmail.   com)

Text book

  1. Cryptography Theory and Practice, Third Edition, by Douglas Stinson
  2. Cryptography and Network Security, by William Stallings
  3. Other materials will be announced/distributed as the class progresses.

Course evaluation

Internal assessment: 30%

Mid-semester exam: 30%

End-semester exam: 40%


The major components of the course include
  1. Introduction to Security
  2. Cryptography
  3. Network Security
  4. Web Security
  5. Usable Security
  6. Privacy and Anonymity
  7. Advanced topics (smartphone security, adversarial machine learning)
Topic Slides Tentative Sub topics
Security: An overview Slides 1. The security mindset
2. What is security
3. Threat modelling
Cryptography TBA 1. Overview of Cryptography
2. Symmetric Key Cryptosystems: SPN Ciphers, The Feistel Cipher
3. Modern Block Cipher Standards - AES
4. Cryptanalytic Techniques: Linear Cryptanalysis, Differential Cryptanalysis
5. Advanced block cipher design: SBox Design Principles, Modes of Operations
6. Cryptographic Hash functions and Message Authentication Codes
7. Asymmetric Ciphers: The RSA Cryptosystem
Network security TBA 1. Networking Basics
2. Network threat model
3. Basic Network Attacks
4. DNS, BGP attacks
5. Denial of Service Attacks, smurf attack, Reflection attack
6. Mitigation, IP traceback
Web security TBA 1. How the Modern Web Works: Anatomy of webpage and http(s) requests
2. SQL injection
3. XSS, CSRF attacks
4. Online tracking
5. Buffer overflow: the curious case of Heartbleed
6. Botnets
Usable Security TBA 1. A few case studies
2. Qualitative methods
3. Usability for developers
4. Phishing attacks and mitigation
Privacy and anonymity TBA
1. Definitions of privacy
2. Anonymity: Overview of Tor
3. Attacks on Tor
3. Private information retrieval, differential privacy
4. Anonymous routing
Advanced topics 1: Smartphone security TBA 1. Permission model in Android
2. Attacks on permission model and mitigation
Advanced topics 2: Adversarial Machine Learning TBA 1. Intro to adversarial machine learning
2. Adversarial Deep Learning