Cryptography and Network Security (CS60065)
Autumn semester 2019-20
Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Contact: (debdeep [AT]
Mainack Mondal
Contact: (mainack [AT]
Course Timings
Wednesday 12:00 - 12:55
Thursday 11:00 - 11:55
Friday 09:00 - 10:55
Class venue: CSE 107
Teaching Assistants
- Manaar Alam (alam [DOT]   manaar [AT] gmail.   com)
- Arnab Bag (amiarnabbolchi [AT]   gmail.   com)
Text book
- Cryptography Theory and Practice, Third Edition, by Douglas Stinson
- Cryptography and Network Security, by William Stallings
- Other materials will be announced/distributed as the class progresses.
Course evaluation
Internal assessment: 30%
Mid-semester exam: 30%
End-semester exam: 40%
The major components of the course include
- Introduction to Security
- Cryptography
- Network Security
- Web Security
- Usable Security
- Privacy and Anonymity
- Advanced topics (smartphone security, adversarial machine learning)
Topic |
Slides |
Tentative Sub topics |
Security: An overview |
Slides |
1. The security mindset
2. What is security
3. Threat modelling
Cryptography |
1. Overview of Cryptography
2. Symmetric Key Cryptosystems: SPN Ciphers, The Feistel Cipher
3. Modern Block Cipher Standards - AES
4. Cryptanalytic Techniques: Linear Cryptanalysis, Differential Cryptanalysis
5. Advanced block cipher design: SBox Design Principles, Modes of Operations
6. Cryptographic Hash functions and Message Authentication Codes
7. Asymmetric Ciphers: The RSA Cryptosystem
Network security |
1. Networking Basics
2. Network threat model
3. Basic Network Attacks
4. DNS, BGP attacks
5. Denial of Service Attacks, smurf attack, Reflection attack
6. Mitigation, IP traceback
Web security |
1. How the Modern Web Works: Anatomy of webpage and http(s) requests
2. SQL injection
3. XSS, CSRF attacks
4. Online tracking
5. Buffer overflow: the curious case of Heartbleed
6. Botnets
Usable Security |
1. A few case studies
2. Qualitative methods
3. Usability for developers
4. Phishing attacks and mitigation
Privacy and anonymity |
1. Definitions of privacy
2. Anonymity: Overview of Tor
3. Attacks on Tor
3. Private information retrieval, differential privacy
4. Anonymous routing
Advanced topics 1: Smartphone security |
1. Permission model in Android
2. Attacks on permission model and mitigation
Advanced topics 2: Adversarial Machine Learning |
1. Intro to adversarial machine learning
2. Adversarial Deep Learning